Dana Nature Reserve Trek, Jordan


Start: Dana Guest House, Dana Village, Dana, Jordan
Finish: Feynan Ecolodge, Dana Nature Reserve, Jordan
Distance: 14.2 km (8.8 miles)
Elevation change: +33m / -944m. Net -911m
GPX File: get via Buy Me a Coffee
Other routes touched (walk): Wadi Ghwayr Trail
Other routes touched (cycle): None

Dana is Jordan's largest nature reserve, located on the west side of the country just south of the Dead Sea. We visited for 2 nights with a trek to the Feynan Eco-Lodge. Our first night was at Dana Guesthouse, high on the cliffs overlooking the valley. On day 2 we took the 14 KM hike down through the valley. Its a pretty easy trek and hard to get lost. We had a local guide who was unusually talkative and helpful compared other guides we had experienced on our Jordan adventure. Whilst we could have found our way ourselves, the guide explained a lot of the local history and nature in the valley.

The Eco-Lodge at the end was a great experience. It's one of National Geographic's best 25 Eco-Lodges in the world. We were only there for a night, but with a lot more time there were many interesting excursions and local activities on offer. We arrived early afternoon and took advantage of the quiet, remoteness and lack of electricity and wi-fi in the rooms to get a good rest before the next stage of our Jordan trip in the morning.


Above: Location of Feynan Eco-Lodge at the end of the trail