Chichester Harbour National Landscape High Points


Significance: Chichester Harbour National Landscape High Points
Member of: N/A
Nearest Higher Neighbour: Bow Hill
Historic County: Hampshire (of which Pilot Hill is the County Top)
Elevation: 9m
Date “climbed”: 1st June 2024
Coordinates (Alpudram Airfield): 50° 48' 49'' N, 0° 48' 37'' W
Coordinates (Bosham Boathouse): 50° 50' 17'' N, 0° 50' 10'' W
Map: Chichester Map | South Harting & Selsey | Ordnance Survey | OS Explorer Map OL08
Links: Wikipedia (Chichester Harbour, RAF Appledram), Peakbagger (Apuldram, Bosham Boathouse)


Chichester Harbour is one of the smallest of the National Landscapes. It also has the lowest high point at 9m. The highest point isn’t obvious with at least 2 points showing a spot height of 9m. Here’s both….

Alpudram Airfield

This spot is on a small lane connecting Alpuldram and Chichester Marina. The coordinates take you to a layby with an information sign describing the old Apuldram Airfield.

Bosham Boathouse

This one is on the A259 Main Road between Fishbourne and Bosham at the junction with Chequer Lane. The most interesting point is the old wooden boat converted into a flower bed outside the Bosham Boathouse B&B.